Initiative to Train Electricians - BYPL
Initiative to Train Electricians
BYPL Trains Neighbourhood Electricians
Total 209 neighbourhood electricians have been trained in FY 2018-19 through a one day training program conducted by BYPL.
The training was imparted through presentation on topics such as Safety- concept of safety, effect of current on human body, safe operating procedure, Internal Wiring- selection, sizing and laying, Electrical Fitting- selection criteria and sizing, Protection- MCB, RCCB, MCCB, fuse etc., Energy Efficiency (demand side management) etc.
Further, a setup was made at the training centre to impart practical knowledge on topics such as Insulation Resistance Testing, Connection and Functioning of RCCB, Earth Resistance Measurement.
A quiz was conducted for the participants at the end of the training session covering the topics on which the training was conducted.
Each participant was given a Certificate of Participation, BYPL branded T-shirt and a Tool Kit (containing Screw Driver, Plier, Tester and Insulation Tape) at the end of the training session.